Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a website for my business?

With the internet constantly growing, and web traffic increasing, it is getting even harder for businesses to ignore the benefits of going online. It is obvious that an online presence gives you an instant advantage over companies that have not embraced to the internet. But there are far more advantages in having a website. The internet makes it possible to share your business with the entire world, and compete with a company many times the size of your own. A website makes it easy to keep in touch with customers and clients around the world. The possibilities are virtually endless to online businesses. If you can see your business benefiting from any of these examples, then you need to have an online presence.

What do I need to get started?

You've decided that your business would benefit from having a website. Now what? Launching your business into the virtual world can be confusing, but it doesn't have to be. There are four basic things that you need to start a successful website.

First, you need a web site designed to meet the needs of your online business. This is a collection of pages coded in HTML and CSS. You will need either a server with a dedicated internet connection, or a web host. Because running your own servers can be too costly for new and smaller businesses, most opt to have their site hosted with a web hosting company. Next you will need a domain name, This is the internet equivalent to a physical address. Last but not least, you will need a marketing strategy. While you can add your website address to your real world advertising, it is also important to have an online advertising campaign. Many people shop for certain items purely online.

What is eCommerce?

The definition of eCommerce is "Conducting business, in the form of buying, selling and marketing goods and services online." While internet sales were 7.5% of all retail sales at the beginning of 2015, it is a 90 billion dollar industry. Growth rates average 20% within some categories.
- source:

How do I find the right web developer?

There are many web site developers available to choose from. When choosing the right one for your company, there are a few things you will want to consider.

  • Quality

    Consider the developer's own website. This usually expresses the personality of the developer. Since most developers have a wide range of skills, you may want to evaluate their past projects. Consider the user friendliness of the sites, quality of the graphics, and the speed at which the pages download compared to other sites you have visited.
  • Technical Resources

    The developer you choose must have the technical know-how to deliver the type of site that your business requires. Website technology is constantly changing, and the best developers are always looking for new ways to use the current technologies. It is important they are able to provide your company with whatever your need is, now and in the future.
  • Complete Line of Services

    You will want to find a developer that offers a complete line of services, not just web design. Building an online presence requires design, consulting, marketing and hosting services. Finding a developer capable of all these services will make your transition to the internet seamless and quick, and usually for less money.

How much does a website cost?

The cost of a website varies greatly with your business needs and the industry you are in. It's sort of like buying a car. Do you want a Ferarri or will an economical sedan work for you? For this reason we do not have "packages" that we sell. Most websites would not fit into any set of packages, so instead we tailor a custom site for each client. Just for a rough estimate, our websites routinely run between $2000 and $6000, and web and mobile applications run from $2000 and up.

Frequently asked questions on web design and marketing

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